
What is ADR and why use it?

Alternative Dispute Resolution is a term used to describe methods which were once considered to be “alternatives” to litigation: mediation, arbitration, or negotiation. Now these methods are almost universally recognized to be superior to litigation in every way. Less cost. Less time. Better results.

Knar Law & ADR provides the following ADR services:

Mediation: A process wherein opposing parties work with a neutral mediator who facilitates communication, understanding, and resolution between the parties. The parties, guided by a skillful mediator, will come to a mutually agreeable resolution.

Arbitration: Either voluntary or triggered by an arbitration clause in a contract, arbitration provides an opportunity for each side to present their case to a neutral arbitrator who will render a verdict.

Neutral Evaluation: A non-binding process in which a neutral evaluator provides an assessment of likely court outcomes of a case in an effort to help parties reach a settlement. Neutral evaluation is very useful for ascertaining the strengths and weaknesses of your case and can assist parties in determining the best path toward resolution.

How can Knar Law & ADR help you?

Knar Law & ADR can assist you with any of your ADR needs: representing you in an ADR proceeding or serving as an ADR neutral to resolve a conflict.

Contact us today to discuss your case and see what we can do for you!